
From Darkness Spellbound Book One. The 1st 2 Chapters of the Audio Book. Currently in production. http://www.jacquelinestigman.com/audio-book-sample.html
I see that I have been away for - Years! Where did the time go . . . ?

Well, I've been working on my website. www.jacquelinestigman.com. Always a work in progress.

Then writing and editing my From Darkness Series as Jacqueline A. Martin. The three books that tell the story are now being edited so will publish this September. Date to come.

Life happened too. My best friend passed away in about 30 days after being diagnosed with lung cancer. I tripped in my apartment and shattered my shoulder. After surgery and 2 months in-patient physical therapy I got full range of movement back. And just when I was feeling good again my wonderful brother was diagnosed with lung cancer and he too passed away very quickly in about 30 days. We were very close, and I'll never stop missing him. Luckily I am completly convinced of an after life so we talk often. :)

I've updated the blog as much as I can today. Do visit my website as it has more & different 'stuff.'
Though writing here feels in a way more personal so I will keep it up. While I'm focused on getting the books ready to publish I've also just begun to record the audio book! Very excited about that. You can listen to the first two chapters by clicking the link. That will take you to my website where I have the From Darkness Spellbound audio book sample.
Hope you enjoy it!


Have you ever felt that someone was reaching out to you from the other side just when you needed them most? That's what happened to me. When we really need them, I found out, they are there for us.

To read about my experience, that you may have experienced as well, or might sometime in the future, sign up on my Subscriber List and I will be able to send it along to you. 
It's short. 10 pages and I call it The Power of the Heart and yes, it's a true story. Illustrated with personal family photos, some that illustrate the story, and several of my paintings of the heart. 

You can get your free copy all through April. Then it will go on Amazon. However for my subscribers or Readers Group I will send something short - An essay, a poem, or a chapter from my book. I'll come up with something free for my subscribers once a month. 

Otherwise, I'll be writing.   But now to dinner!
                                                                                                                - Jacqueline


Two YouTube Interviews
I don't have all the equipment yet to create my own videos. Still testing cameras & need to get lights. But I do have two VHS tapes to send out this week to be transferred to files I can upload to YouTube. One of me being interviewed on the Geraldo Rivera Show he called Ghost Busters. The other is me being interviewed on the Flo Kennedy Show about my poetry. I also read one or two of my poems. And so does Peter Chelnik who interviewed me. Our reading accompanied by a great upbeat drummer and fun to do. About a two week turnaround time for file transfer so should have it up fairly soon. Stay tuned.


Subscribe here or at www.jacquelinestigman.com
Amethyst Heart

This Easter weekend I'm keeping busy so I won't feel so sad that just last Easter my amazing brother, Chuck, passed away. So, I'm busy polishing and putting finishing touches on the full color images illustrating The Power of the Heart - A True Story, such as Amethyst Heart you see here, one of my original oil paintings. So I'll be sending it along to those of you who have already subscribed shortly.  

If you haven't signed up yet, Would you like to read a true story I wrote of an experience I had that made me believe in the after-life? Use the form to sign up here and I'll send it along. Fourteen pages.
Illustrated with personal family photos and original full color paintings. Sent as a PDF. Free. Enjoy!

Happy Easter & Passover Everyone!

Volker Kraft hung 10,000 colored eggs in his apple tree 

this week in Saalfeld, Germany! An artist with heart.

Bringing on the Spring! Wondrous way he chose to spend his time.

And I like his take on more is definitely more!


I'm not completely set up here yet. For example my subscribe button doesn't work yet. Hope to get that going tomorrow with a free ebook short - A true story of an unusual & mysterious experience I had. I hope to get it going tomorrow...And would love to hear what you think of what happened to me. And now, it's time for dinner!
What I'm reading now and swept away into total immersion!
I'm reading David Morrell's Historical Thriller MURDER AS A FINE ART and must say at first I was put off by the title, given the way violence is sometimes romanticized. However, as soon as I began reading I found this was not the case at all in his book.
This eloquently written novel is based on a true story and fascinating in every way. I love gas-lit London and that is the era in which the novel takes place, and so finely, thoroughly, and convinceingly drawn by the author you do feel you are there. David Morrell's talent as a writer enables him to include fascinating historical information, describing what it was like to live in 1854 London, without interfering with the flow of the story, and only enhancing ones reading.  
Murder as a Fine Art is the title of an essay written by Thomas De Quincey, a real historical person and a character in this book struggling to support his family, fighting his grief, and opium addiction, traveling with his devoted daughter who he has raised to be a woman sure of herself and one who feels on equal par with any man, which shocks the Detective and Bobby involved with a case that is linked to De Quincy's essay.
I'm only a third way through the book but loving it. The reviews are right. MURDER AS A FINE ART is a masterpiece. Highly recommend.


Welcome to everyone drawn to the Marvelous, the Miraculous, and the Magical, in Fiction & in Life . . .

Hi! Those are a few of my interests and this is my first post here in a long time. I've just begun redesigning my blog today. I've been active primarily on my website, but decided to to blog here now. And still learning how to put it together!

I'm a poet, painter, and writing Urban Fantasy novels. So here, I'll probably be blogging about any books I'm reading, sharing quotes that strike me, and any info I come across about the psychic - supernatural. I'm interested in ghosts, OOBE, NDE, lucid dreaming, seeing at a distance, and a bit of  quantum physics as it has actually provided data to support such phenomena. 

I've published my first novel, FROM DARKNESS, a novel of the supernatural and the power of the heart. Urban Fantasy. And published it in three volumes: Awakening, Net of Jewels, & Returnnnnnnn. Now working on my next novel with continuing characters from where the last book of FROM DARKNESS - Book 3 - Returnnnnnnn left off.

I love writing about all my interests and people exploring them or experiencing them out of the blue!
Like me, and maybe like you. Scroll down on my blog to find some of my Manhattan by Moonlight paintings where darkness & radiance meet. As in my books.
                                                                                                           - Jacqueline